Thank you for your interest in Top the Tater Days! (Formerly known as Dew Days)   To help us determine which vendors will participate in our Food Truck Food Court, please complete the following application.  We will reach out to you in the coming weeks with any questions and further information on the celebration. 

A few things to keep in mind for the 2025 Top the Tater Days Celebration:


DO NOT run out of food. Last year we only had food trucks on Saturday and we had trucks run out of food. We had a crowd of 4000 for Dew Days last year and we have increased our attractions so we anticipate the number to only get larger. PLEASE be prepared. 

Food Truck Application

Pay my Food Truck Registration Fee via Paypal-  Be sure to add your food truck name in the “what is this payment for” question on paypal


**If you prefer to send a check for the registration fee, please mail your payment to: Food Vendor Application  PO BOX 124, Farmington, MN 55024**